Vacation Rentals Bookings
Channel Manager
This chart shows the performance of bookings in the world on a monthly basis and which online booking channel they came from. * The months of this chart refer to when the vacation rental properties were booked not when the …
This chart shows the performance of bookings in Europe on a monthly basis and which online booking channel they came from. * The months of this chart refer to when the vacation rental properties were booked not when the check-ins …
This chart shows the performance of USA bookings on a yearly basis and which online booking channel they came from.
This chart shows the performance of USA bookings on a monthly basis and which online booking channel they came from. * The months of this chart refer to when the vacation rental properties were booked not when the check-ins occurred.
This chart shows the percentage (%) of the channel distribution in the USA on a yearly basis.
This chart shows the performance of bookings in the world on a yearly basis and which online booking channel they came from.
This chart shows the percentage (%) of the channel distribution in the world on a yearly basis.
This chart shows the performance of bookings in Europe on a yearly basis and which online booking channel they came from.
This chart shows the percentage (%) of the channel distribution in Europe on a yearly basis.
This chart shows the performance of bookings in Greece on a monthly basis and which online booking channel they came from. * The months of this chart refer to when the vacation rental properties were booked not when the check-ins …
This chart shows the performance of bookings in Greece on a yearly basis and which online booking channel they came from.
This chart shows the percentage (%) of the channel distribution in Greece on a yearly basis.
This chart shows the percentage (%) of the channel distribution in the rest of the world (excluding Europe, the USA, and Greece) on a yearly basis.
This chart shows the performance of bookings in the rest of the world (excluding Europe, the USA, and Greece) on a monthly basis and which online booking channel they came from. * The months of this chart refer to when …
This chart shows the percentage (%) of booking channels in the rest of the world (excluding Europe, the USA, and Greece) on a monthly basis.